
Narozena / Born: 1963 Dunajská Streda

Studia / Education: Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, (DLA), Budapest, HU (2000–2006)

Hungarian College of Applied Art, Budapest, HU (1986–1981)

Vystavuje od / Exhibitions since: 1990

Žije a pracuje / Lives and works: Dunajska Streda, Bratislava, Budapest, HU


Samostatné výstavy v letech 2011–2014 / Solo exhibitions between 2011–2014:

2013 The Harpoon Project. Site specific for New Bedford, The University Art Gallery, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, New Bedford, US

Ilona Németh, Galéria HIT, Bratislava

PAX/NEXUS/SALVUS, Gallery SPACE, Bratislava

2012 Ilona Németh: Priestor identity, Východoslovenská galéria Košice

Identita prostoru, Dům umění města Brna

Master and disciple 4 (s J. Vargou), MAGMA Contemporary Art Space, Sfântu Gheorghe, RO

Monuments, 5B Gallery, Târgu Mures, RO

Ilona Németh, Slovenský inštitút, Praha 2011

Dilemma, Ernst Múzeum, Budapest, HU